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Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Ueberschall Elastik 3

Ueberschall Elastik 3 

Elastik is known to musicians and producers not only by its distinct Loop Eye interface look but also as probably the most powerful source of inspiration and source of immediately usable musical material for all compositional and production purposes.

Whether one is searching for beats, basses, authentic instrumental lines or even gorgeous sound effects Elastik never fails to deliver due to the massive library of diverse and always high-quality content from the Ueberschall online Library. If there is no idea around but the deadline for a track is close, Elastik is the tool to turn to. With Elastik putting together a breathtaking track is easy and instantaneous. Just add your individual performance with your familiar DAW and you can deliver your track on time.

Innovative Loopeye functions.
Retune: polyphonic scale and key shifting.
Timestretch and pitchshift in best quality.
Fast browser features multiple filter search, tagging.
Prelisten in BPM, key and scale sync.
Sequence mode loads of editing features per slice.
Random sound replacement via Inspire.
Parameter automation.
Realtime sync to host.
Multiple outs.
Bounce of original and modified loops.
Resizable window format.
Multiple soundbank management.
Perfect: EXE-VST-VST3-AAX | wIN 32-64
Version : 3.1.1
Document Size: 55.1 MB
Connection Name: Mega

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